Joshua Lucero

Owner/Cutting Specialist

Joshua is the owner of Lucero Hair and Wellness and Lucero Hair Care. He has been doing hair since 2013 and has truly cultivated a passion for his craft. He got into this industry to find a better life for himself, and being able to give inclusive and creative services to people is one of his life goals. He has been able to share his knowledge and travel to some beautiful places to use his skills, but his favorite destinations are Portugal and Kauai. He plans to continue his dream of creating safe spaces for LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities by offering education and events for these marginalized communities. He lives with his husband and 2 dogs in Midvale.

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Experience the
Lucero Hair & Wellness
difference today

With our hair studio, we hope to provide a space for people to express themselves without boundaries or labels. We believe everyone should feel welcomed, accepted, and celebrated in their skin when they come to us.